Outstanding Tasks Smart Group

Smart groups are groups built by FundHero based on the information in your account. You can recognize smart groups based on the smart icon .

To pull up the Outstanding Tasks Group:

  • Click Contacts  in the main navigation bar
  • Select the Groups Icon 
  • Navigate to Outstanding Tasks

Completing Tasks

There are two ways you can track tasks. Via the dashboard or on the contact page.

Contact Page:

  • Using the Outstanding Tasks group above, select the contact with an outstanding task (Tasks will always live at the top of the contact’s timeline until they are completed)
  • When the task has been finished click Mark as Complete on the right hand side
  • The task will then be fulfilled and will populate in the timeline


  • Click the FundHero Logo in the main navigation bar
  • Scroll down and navigate to Outstanding Tasks
  • Click the options icon
    • Mark as Complete: this will complete the task under the contact and populate into the contact timeline
    • Edit Task: this will take you into the contact where the task is housed so you can make any adjustments there.
    • Delete Task: removes the task from all history. This cannot be undone.

To learn how to create a task, view this article.

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