Email Template – Board Member

This email template is a great way to get your board members engaged with fundraising. Have them send this email out to their contacts. There is a bit about Giving Tuesday in this message – but you can also delete that and adjust it to fit the correct timeframe.

Everything in brackets [ ] should be edited to fit the information about your cause.

Everything in braces { } should be linked to your donation page.

Subject: Have I told you about…?


You may know that I am a board member of [NAME OF ORGANIZATION]. I became a member of the board because it’s an organization I care deeply about. They work to [GOALS/MISSION OF ORGANIZATION].

Throughout the years I have been able to see the amazing work [NAME OF ORGANIZATION] has been able to do. One of the most difficult parts of a nonprofit organization if finding the funding necessary to keep the organization moving forward. Nonprofits rely on grants and donations from individuals like you and me.


For #GivingTuesday, I will be donating to [NAME OF ORGANIZATION]. I’m reaching out to you, to let you know about this great organization that you can also support. If you have any questions or want to learn more about it, feel free to reach out and ask me.

Thank you for supporting me and this organization!